Though maintaining that he new nothing of the ballot harvesting activities of one of his campaign’s vendors, Republican Mark Harris says he is open to a new election IF evidence of fraud on either side indicates it would have changed the outcome.
— Mark Harris (@MarkHarrisNC9) December 7, 2018
This statement makes it sound like Harris intends to be the Republican candidate in that new election, despite the unavoidable aura of negativity that would follow him to the special ballot box.
Also, though he focuses on proven fraud sufficient to change the results as a precondition for him supporting a new election, unfortunately for Harris, that is not the only tripwire that could call for one.
We documented here that state law lists the election being ‘tainted to the point of perceived lack of fairness’ as a reason to hold a new election. While that is a very subjective measure, the media uproar designed to maximize the hurt for Republicans makes it a condition likely already met.
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