RALEIGH – Well, it looks like the Democrats’ efforts to #Breakthemajority are off to a rough start.
North Carolina House member William Brisson has served in the chamber for over a decade as a Democrat, representing parts of Bladen, Johnston, and Sampson counties. After six terms, and preparing for a run at a seventh, Brisson announced to a local paper Wednesday that he is switching parties and will now have an ‘R’ beside his name.
According to Brisson, it isn’t that the 71 year old farmer has had a change of heart, but rather that the Democrats in the Old North State have left him behind in their lurch to the liberal left.
““I’ve always been a conservative Democrat,” Rep. Brisson said Wednesday morning. “All of my district is rural, and a lot of my constituents are. I’ve been getting a lot of pressure from my constituents in the past few years to change. I don’t have a lot in common with the Democratic Party right now because they have become so liberal.””
The lawmaker’s impending switch was rumored to be coming a couple of months ago. His switch is likely not a surprise to many of his constituents – Brisson has been voting with Republicans on key pieces of legislation for months.
Those constituents are probably pleased with his move as it is plausible that a great many of them, Democrats included, are getting similar indigestion at just how far left the N.C> Democratic Party has gone in recent years.
This part of the state has an abundance of registered Democrats that are socially conservative and consistently vote Republican.
Brisson just couldn’t stomach being associated with Roy Cooper and the Democrats’ constant LGBTQ activism, race-baiting, and indebtedness to urban voting blocks.
“I’ve voted with them (Republicans) when I felt it was better for the people I represent,” Rep. Brisson said. “It’s all about the people with me, and it always has been. It’s not as much about party vote with me. I cannot support everything the Democratic Party is pushing today. A lot of seats we’ve lost in the last few years came in the rural areas. I feel like by changing, I’ll be in a better position to serve the people.”
Not many people can support what the Democrats are pushing these days, and that’s exactly why Republicans have maintained super-majorities in the General Assembly for multiple cycles now.
So, add another Republican incumbent to that majority and cross your fingers that others see the light as well.
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