Comedy Central’s “Broad City” — which already uses bleeps for profanity — will add the name of Republican President Donald Trump to the list of bleeped-out words in the series’ upcoming fourth season.
“We just got to a point where in real life we’re talking about the current administration, we’re talking about Trump, and it sounds so gross every day saying it so many times, and we just didn’t want to share airtime,” series co-creator and co-star Ilana Glazer said Tuesday, the Hollywood Reporter noted. “He’s got enough, and I also don’t even want to hear the word. It’s a different kind of joke.”
Glazer added that the idea hit her and her other half — co-creator and co-star Abbi Jacobson — after Trump was elected, the outlet reported: “… we were like, ‘Ugh, we can’t deal with this.’ We did more rewriting than ever before, more creatively than logistically … because the election happened and the world changed, or solidified in a way.”
Glazer and Jacobson play fictionalized versions of themselves in the show as they navigate life in New York City — and the upcoming season will sport political storylines.
“I think that is how people are really trying to be more woke about what is going on and more informed, and we tried to infuse that into the characters. The characters are really trying too, very hard, and we play with that, too,” Jacobson said, the Hollywood Reporter noted. “The characters are really trying to be woke and be involved in this and be better and change things, but they also try and fail at stuff.”
The outlet also noted Glazer’s wider observations about Hollywood and politics in Trump’s America.
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