AUSTIN, TX – In 2016 Roy Cooper and his friends in the Radical Leftist LGBT movement ginned up outrage after the N.C. General Assembly was forced by illegal actions of the Charlotte City Council to pass common sense measures to make sure people used the bathroom corresponding to their birth sex in government facilities and private businesses could not be punished for refusing men access to their women’s bathrooms.
The legislation, House Bill 2, was later repealed in part, though much of it remains in effect.
After the firestorm whipped up by Democrats in North Carolina, conservatives in Texas braved the flames in an attempt to pass their own law that required people to use government facility bathrooms and changing facilities that match their actual gender.
Just like in the Old North State, though, moderates and Democrats were joined by national Leftist groups to crush the common sense effort in the Lone Star State.
This summer, during the Texas legislative session, Leftists teamed up with big business and the moderate House Speaker Joe Straus. Together they managed to block multiple bills in the House, even after the Senate had given their stamp of approval — and despite the fact that many of these very same big businesses do not even have similar policies in place for their own business facilities.
Texas Governor Greg Abbott, Lt. Gov. Patrick, and Conservatives across the state supported the measures, but the false narratives pushed by the Left and the lack of backbone by big corporations’ public relations departments helped squash it.
Many on the Left believe that biological men have a right to share showers, locker rooms, and bathrooms with women and little girls as long as they identify as female at that particular point in time — and that anyone who disagrees should be punished!
This is lunacy, but it is not surprising considering the source. What is surprising is that Texans allowed such progressive rhetoric to weaken their resolve to uphold common sense realities.
The entire political framework of the Left requires ignoring, and even protesting, basic truths of life.
If Radical Leftists and their friends in the Mainstream Media are continually allowed to dictate such policy decisions, this country will be pulled kicking and screaming until it’s completely detached from reality.
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