The Left is constantly spewing insanity as it relates to the great man-made global warming hoax. The lie is so big that it has taken hold across the world, leading to suffocating (and futile) environmental regulations and a general hysteria embraced by the gullible among us.
One voice of reason on the issue was John Coleman, a founder of the Weather Channel and longtime meteorologist that called out the Left’s narrative for exactly what it is – a hoax. A hoax designed to control more of your life with the excuse that it is ‘saving the planet.’
After a long and fruitful life, Coleman has passed away on January 20, and, with him, a sane mind amid an insane world of “science” was lost.
“I am shocked and saddened by the loss of John so suddenly. John has been a close ally and was featured in the film Climate Hustle and wrote the forward for my upcoming book (Feb. 2018): The Politically Incorrect Gude to Climate Change. Coleman was a giant among meteorologists and had the courage to call out ‘global warming’ claims and go after Al Gore, Bill Nye and many others. The meteorological world lost a giant today!” – Climate Depot’s Marc Morano, Producer of Climate Hustle
“It is with great sadness that I announce this. John Coleman was a true hero of mine, and a great friend. He made gigantic contributions to television, to weather forecasting, and even to the National Weather Service who changed and upgraded many of their methods to accommodate the visionary ideas he had in founding the Weather Channel.” – Anthony Watts
Coleman was a legend and deserves all the praise he gets. It is not often that a person has the fortitude to speak truth to power, especially in the meteorological industry where walking the climate change line is a requirement.
Here is a sampling of some of Coleman’s great appearance to call out the hoax that is man-made climate change.
This guy doesn’t hold back and doesn’t take any ‘baloney’ from the Left.
Voices like Coleman’s are routinely buried by the scientific community that depends on government handouts for continued operation.
But he, and others like him, have a very important factor on their side – truth.
Prediction after prediction of climate alarmists has been proven false. Still, they push the hoax. Year after year more evidence of the climate change fallacy emerges. Still, they push the hoax.
For a group that seems to embrace skepticism and conspiracy when it comes to things big corporations, Donald Trump, etc., etc., etc., the Left sure does have a peculiar aversion to training that skepticism on the global warming narrative or Big Government that pushes it.
Long live the skeptics. Long live John Coleman.
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