WASHINGTON, D.C. – As Democrats work their way back to the top of the list of Donald Trump smears (He’s a racist again, don’t ya know), they’d like everyone to ignore the latest developments in the the Russia collusion scandal. No, not Trump’s collusion with Russia – there’s never been a lick of supporting evidence to justify that claim – but President Barack Obama’s and Hillary Clinton’s selling out of America via the Uranium One deal, in which 20 percent of the United States’ uranium resources were sold to Russian interests.
“A grand jury reportedly brought charges in the Uranium One investigation against a man who investigators say tried to bribe a Russian official at the country’s state-run nuclear energy corporation.
Mark Lambert, former head of a Maryland-based transportation company, was indicted last Thursday on 11 counts of money laundering and wire fraud, according to the New York Post.
The Uranium One investigation centers on the Obama administration’s clearing of a business deal that allowed a Russian nuclear firm to buy a Canadian uranium mining company with assets in the U.S.
In the indictment, prosecutors accuse Lambert of hiding the payments to the Russian official by using code words such as “lucky figures,” “lucky numbers” and “cake.” The official Lambert was accused of bribing works at a subsidiary of Russia’s State Atomic Energy Corp.
The Nuclear Regulatory Commission told Congress in 2010 that no uranium at either facility purchased by the Russian company could be exported. Still, some of the uranium mined after the deal made it as far away as Europe, The Hill reported in November.”
So, after the Obama administration approved a sale that at the most basic level damages U.S. national security interests, with Sec. of State Hillary Clinton on the body voting for the approval, they lied to authorities about the restrictions on uranium exports.
The Mueller investigation of Trump has turned up absolutely nothing, as of yet, that would link the Trump campaign to Russian operatives to sway the election. But the Uranium One investigation could end up proving much worse transgressions were committed by the very people – Hillary Clinton – screaming the loudest about Trump/Russia.
This should get interesting.
Read more here.
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