Radical Liberal Group Looking to Pay “Activists” Thousands to “Combat Hate and Extremism” in North Carolina

Republicans are all caught up in: (1) Keeping Zan relevant, (2) obtaining job security for Dallas Woodhouse, and (3) tut-tutting about how tasteless and insensitive this website is.  Meanwhile, the radical Left is in full WAR mode ready to burn the whole place down in order to reclaim power.  

Don’t believe me?  Check out this ad:


And WHO doesn’t want to combat HATE & EXTREMISM? (Wait.  I think they are referring to US. As you know with this crowd, you are a hater AND an extremist if you dare to disagree with them.) 

Your kids COULD mow lawns, dip ice cream, stock shelves at Harris-Teeter or fold clothes at Belk for the summer. Or they could help beat down that HATE & EXTREMISM stuff.

Oh this’ll be great résumè material for after-graduation.  Can’t you hear that buttoned-down job interviewer, now?  “Oh, I see you spent the summer fighting that hate and extremism stuff. Good for you! We’ve got a lot of use for that kind of experience and know-how around here.”

Let’s see.  $535 per week.  Divided by — say- 40 hours.   That’s $13.38 per hour at 40 hours per week.


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