Excerpt From: News & Observer. Written By: Abbie Bennett.
Actor Zach Galifianakis, a North Carolina native, stars in a documentary critical of his home state’s politics. A screening of the film will be held in his hometown on Wednesday.
The “Democracy for Sale” documentary discusses how North Carolina went from “a beacon of light and generosity in a sea of red state reactionary politics” to what the film’s website refers to as “one of the most regressive and intentionally belligerent states in the union.”
Galifianakis, who was born in Wilkesboro and attended N.C. State University, gained international fame for his part in the “Hangover” trilogy of films. He owns a farm in northeastern Alleghany County and splits his time between the farm and his work.
The screening will be held at 7 p.m. Wednesday at The Stone Center, 613 Cherry St., North Wilkesboro. Admission is free but signup was required (update: the show is sold out).
The documentary tells the story of North Carolina’s transformed politics, including new and growing political spending, or as the film’s website says, “how the money of a few has come to dominate our democracy.”
In the documentary, Galifianakis investigates allegations that the North Carolina government was “put in power by moneyed interests and has thus carried out a program that only benefits its backers: cuts to education, health care spending and environmental protection; lowering of taxes for the wealthy and corporations; and the passage of laws designed to roll back access to the ballot.”
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