Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) revealed that he spoke with President Donald Trump on Monday and told the president that he can take executive action to allow organizations to offer more affordable group health insurance plans.
Rand Paul, one of the Senate’s leading conservatives, told reporters that Trump will consider taking executive action to address the many problems with the healthcare system after Sen. John McCain tanked an Obamacare repeal bill last week.
The Kentucky senator’s proposed changes would allow groups such as AARP, which represents retirees, to form associations to allow individuals and small businesses to form larger groups to negotiate with health insurance companies for lower premiums and deductibles.
Senator Paul has long advocated for Association Health Plans (AHPs) or plans that would allow small businesses and individuals to group together across state lines through their membership in a trade or professional association to purchase health coverage for their families and employees at a lower cost. In addition, Paul’s plan would allow individuals to pool together through any organization across state lines to purchase health insurance.
Trump can also reform Medicaid by approving state waivers allowing states to implement work requirements, drug testing, and apply monthly premiums to reduce the cost of the government health insurance program.
Iowa submitted a plan to the Trump administration that would create more affordable and flexible healthcare plans on the state’s Obamacare marketplace.
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