![President Barack Obama talks to the audience about his jobs bill](https://firstinfreedomdaily.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/6148196130_8c3bc8fcc1_b-1200x630.jpg)
WASHINGTON, D.C. – If you thought Barack Obama’s departure from the White House meant he cease to push a Leftist agenda across the country, you’d be wrong. Now a group tied to Obama, and chaired by his former Attorney General Eric Holder, is targeting North Carolina legislative 2018 elections along with 10 other states.
“A Democratic group backed by former President Barack Obama said this week it plans to invest millions of dollars in state-level elections in 11 states this year, with its heaviest focus on Ohio.
The National Democratic Redistricting Committee, led by former U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder, said this year’s election cycle is critical to affecting the congressional redistricting process. It is the first cycle whose winners will participate in drawing congressional maps for the decade starting in 2021.
The push comes amid bipartisan national concern that political gerrymandering, the process of drawing maps that benefit one party over another, has led to partisanship, gridlock and incivility in Washington.
“In 2011, Republicans created gerrymandered districts that locked themselves into power and shut out voters from the electoral process,” Holder said in announcing the group’s electoral targets on Wednesday. “By focusing on these state and local races, we can ensure Democrats who will fight for fairness have a seat at the table when new maps are drawn in 2021.”“
What Holder means by ‘a seat at the table’ is returning to a position of power from which Democrats can re-gerrymander this state in their favor all over again. After all, North Carolina was one of the most gerrymandered states in the country because of decades of Democratic rule.
Take one look at the maps from before Republicans took over, and compare them to the most recent maps that Democrats have embroiled in court cases and charges of racism. The difference could not be more clear – Republicans have drawn the cleanest, most compact, most contiguous districts the Old North State has seen in 100 years.
Democrats can’t afford to let that happen in what they view as swing states and that’s exactly why they have focused their efforts in places like Ohio and North Carolina.
And who is better suited to pull the race card and fight for social justice than Obama and Holder?
However, their hopes to create a Blue Wave in key states may be dashed when voters actually hit the booth. It seems that voters aren’t buying Democrats constant victim-status politics as much as they would like. Nevertheless, Barry and Holder are going the lead the rest of the Left in doubling down, because they literally have nothing else to offer.
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