WASHINGTON, D.C. – When we highlighted Democrats latest symptom of Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS) in pushing impeachment over some third hand rumor that the president threatened the Ukrainian president for dirt on the Biden family the “transcript” of the call between the two leaders had not been released. President Trump said it was just another manifestation of the “witch hunt,” the Democrats foamed at the mouth for impeachment.
We’ll now the transcript/summaries of the call have been released. It is 100 percent vindication for Trump and utter embarrassment for the Democrats. The entire hysteria was a big, fat nothing-burger. After the release, President Trump told reporters that the way his political enemies built up the call, you’d expect it to be a “call from Hell“, but it was a “nothing call.”
Will the Democrats apologize after seeing what was said on the call with the Ukrainian President? They should, a perfect call – got them by surprise!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) September 25, 2019
And you can read the documents for yourself here if you want to see just how little it takes for Democrats to descend into an impeachment conniption. That tantrum is still unfolding as more than 200 Democrats in the U.S. House, as well as Speaker Nancy Pelosi, have call for official impeachment hearings for the first time. They’ve no idea what to do except to smear Trump. It’s part of the zombie like symptoms of TDS.
Yet while Democrats and their activists and social media warriors continue to recruit for the witch hunt, they’ve inadvertently drew everyone’s attention to a big stinking pile of scandal at the feet of their leading presidential candidate.
It’s only Wednesday, so the House Democratic caucus and all of their enablers will beat the impeachment drum for the rest of the week. However, despite the hype and coverage over these next few days, you shouldn’t be surprised when this story and Democrats’ continued impeachment push to blow up as more people understand the truth about ‘the call,’ the Bidens, and the nature of Democrats’ plots.
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