The latest Civitas poll has found that an overwhelming majority of likely North Carolina voters support legislation requiring voters to show a photo ID.
The full text of the relevant questions is below.
Would you support or oppose an election law that would require voters to show a valid photo ID before casting their ballot?
68% Total Support
31% Total Oppose
58% Strongly Support
9% Somewhat Support
7% Somewhat Oppose
24% Strongly Oppose
1% Don’t Know/ Unsure
— Refused
Shortly after the 2016 election, the state board of elections identified over 25,000 people as inactive voters as a result of mailings being returned undeliverable and another 500 who voted as possibly ineligible to legally vote. And with that information, do you support or oppose requiring voters to show a valid photo ID before casting their ballot?
68% Total Support
29% Total Oppose
60% Strongly Support
8% Somewhat Support
8% Somewhat Oppose
21% Strongly Oppose
2% Don’t Know/ Unsure
* Refused
Civitas Elections Policy Analyst Susan Myrick said, “It’s not at all surprising that voters continue to believe that requiring photo ID will protect the integrity of North Carolina’s elections. In fact, the only ones out of step with these results are the radical Left and certain judges.” She continued, “The majority of North Carolinians understand the importance of fair and honest elections.”
Cross tabs for this question can be found here.
This poll surveyed 600 registered, likely voters (30% on cell phones) with a margin of error of +/- 4.00%. This survey was taken May 18, 20-21, 2017.
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