RALEIGH – On Friday First in Freedom Daily highlighted a News & Observer reporter’s weird obsession with conservative stalwart and state lawmaker Beverly Boswell (R-Dare). The latest hit on Boswell attempted to take her to the woodshed for suggesting March For Our Lives speakers advocated murdering people to take their guns, but conveniently left out the massive viral story of a Buncombe County Democrat doing exactly that in his original post.
After the omission was pointed out, reporter Paul Andy Specht augmented the story to include Fisher’s viral statements, but continues to nit pick the accuracy of Boswell’s language.
“PolitiFact emailed Boswell and asked if she could provide videos or news clips showing march speakers advocating violence. Luke Stancil, her campaign spokesman, responded by referencing a candidate for sheriff in North Carolina who joked about taking people’s guns.
Daryl Fisher, a candidate running for sheriff of Buncombe County in western NC, explained his views of people who invite him to pry their gun from their cold, bare hands. Stancil pointed out that Fisher shrugged and said, “OK … Whenever you pass away, we’ll come get it.”
Fisher indeed said those things. But he didn’t say them at a March For Our Lives rally. He later apologized. And Boswell said “many” speakers called for the murder of gun owners – and didn’t cite any others.”
It’s obvious to anyone with a pulse that the reporter, and the publication in general, has a big soft spot for the Far Left. What’s more interesting here is the curious self-dealing that is evident in the whole attempt to blow up Boswell.
In the attack on Boswell, Specht turns to ‘fact checker’ PolitiFact to gauge the validity of Boswell’s statements. Like most ‘fact-checkers’ out there, this one has a funny way of leaning Left, but there is more to laugh at here.
The PolitiFact report that Specht references in his story was written by….Paul Specht. He moonlights for PolitiFact.
A News & Observer “reporter” attacks a conservative state lawmaker using a PolitiFact assessment and it is LITERALLY the same writer. That’s why peiople have even less trust in the media than they do the government.
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