RALEIGH – After months of reality smacking them right in the face — facts like school being remarkably safe for kids and teachers, and school closures being detrimental to kids’ education, social growth, and mental health — Wake County Board Board of Education has voted to return middle and high school students to full-time in-person instruction. Staritng next month they will join with elementary schools in the county reopening for students.
It’s welcome news for students and parents; at least, tentatively so. While actually attending school has been the principal concern for obvious reasons, the risks presented children by what indoctrination may or may not be peddled in those schools remain.
The reopening measure passed 6-3, meaning three board members STILL refuse to acknowledge reality or admit the incredibly damaging mistake of closing schools . Those three voted to keep middle and high schools closed, inexplicably.
Actually the comments by those dissenters demonstrates the totally oblivious and painfully stupid perspectives still infecting many around the country.
Board member Monika Johnson-Hostler quipped, “This is going to cause kids anxiety — we are about to cause chaos for students.”
Ms. Johnson-Hostler qualifies here as ‘totally oblivious,’ maybe even ‘painfully stupid,’ as well. What, exactly, does she think the last year of Pandemic Panic closures have caused students?
Reports of depression, anxiety, other mental health struggles, and horrors like child suicide among school-aged children rocketed off the charts during school closures. It’s not hard to find a child expressing enthusiasm for returning to school, returning to normalcy, so as to not face the real anxiety and chaos directly tied to closing schools.
Board member Dr. Jim Martin whined, “We are apparently blessing crowded classrooms, I find that quite disappointing.”
Perhaps the good doctor is blind to the the science and data showing ‘crowded classrooms’ in North Carolina are actually safer for students and teachers than when they are among the general population. Maybe he’s oblivious or insensitive, despite his oath, to the massive and direct amount of harm school closures have had on children?
Maybe he’s never done a simple Google search on the issue? That is quite disappointing.
No matter. Fortunately the majority of the Board, in North Carolina’s largest school district, saw fit to correct course to end one of the worst policy failures in living memory.
Now, parents can turn their attention to engaging with their local school districts and community leaders to reclaim public education as sound education, and prevent their open conversion to Woke Reeducation Camps.
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