WASHINGTON, D.C. – Chairman of the House Freedom Caucus and consistent Conservative Rep. Mark Meadows (R-NC) is putting his foot down, fighting against the inclusion of Obamacare ‘Reinsurance’ provisions in the Senate tax bill that directly subsidize insurance corporations.
The insurance company bail out is part of the muck the bill accumulated as it trudged through the Swamp. In order to bribe Big Government Republicans and Democrats, Senate leader Mitch McConnell tacked on the Obamacare subsidy funding program touted by Sen. Susan Collins (R-Maine) after President Trump rightly suspended illegal payments implemented by the Obama administration.
Meadows is not having it.
“”That’s a totally different thing because that actually puts more money into a failing system where the money will not actually lower premiums and reduce costs in a substantial way,” Meadows told The Hill. “I think that’s a bigger problem.”
Meadows’s objections, and those among House Republicans more broadly, could be an obstacle to the deal that Collins worked out on Tuesday.
Collins said that President Trump had agreed to support the reinsurance funding, as well as another bill from Sens. Lamar Alexander (R-Tenn.) and Patty Murray (D-Wash.), to help assuage her concerns about repealing ObamaCare’s individual mandate in the tax bill.
Senators said those two ObamaCare bills could be added to a must-pass government funding bill after the tax bill passes the Senate. But Meadows’s objections are an obstacle in that situation.”
While the Republican Establishment may view Meadows’ opposition as an ‘obstacle,’ others understand it as loyalty to principles and the Republican campaign promises of the last eight years to dismantle the monstrosity that is Obamacare.
A vote on the Senate plan is now expected Friday after it passed out of a key budget committee earlier this week. It then must be reconciled with the House version, at which point Meadows, a growing influence for freedom in that chamber, will likely push harder to have the bailout removed.
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