RALEIGH – Last year’s nationwide controversy about Confederate monuments and whether or not they should be removed in response to the demands of the social justice warrior class will surely remain an issue in 2018. The North Carolina Department of Cultural Resources (NCDCR) has opened an online portal for public comment on a proposal to move three confederate monuments currently on the grounds of the Old State Capitol building.
The comments will go to a special committee that was set up after Gov. Roy Cooper called for the removal of the monuments to appease his Snowflake base.
“At their Sept. 22, 2017 meeting, the North Carolina Historical Commission voted to postpone any decision regarding the petition from the N.C. Department of Administration to relocate three Confederate monuments from the State Capitol grounds in Raleigh to the Bentonville Battlefield State Historic Site until their April 2018 meeting. A subcommittee composed of members of the North Carolina Historical Commission was created to study the issue and seek advice and legal opinions from appropriate entities.”
At least this a much more measured approach to the monuments than the one taken by Marxist activists in Durham, who illegally destroyed a monument outside a Durham Count courthouse while police stood by and watched.
Some perpetrators were later charged with felonies, but they are now getting special treatment from the Durham County District Attorney who reduced the charges across the board as to not stoke the flames of social justice.
Susi Hamilton, a former Democratic member of the N.C. House and now Cooper’s Secretary of NCDCR, has feigned interest in what the public has to say about the proposal. Who thinks she won’t care quite as much if the comments are dominated by people who want to keep the monuments where they are?
“I hope that this online comment portal will make it easy and convenient for members of the public to comment on the Department of Administration’s proposal to relocate three Confederate monuments from the State Capitol grounds in Raleigh to the Bentonville Battlefield State Historic Site in Four Oaks, N.C.,” said Susi H. Hamilton, secretary of the N.C. Department of Natural and Cultural Resources. “The North Carolina Historical Commission and the Department of Natural and Cultural Resources are very interested in hearing what our citizens have to say on this important topic.”
Ultimately the decision lies with the N.C. Historical Commission, which has certain statutory requirements to satisfy in order to relocate the monuments.
If you care to comment, follow this link to make your voice heard.
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