NBC Think: It’s Immoral To Have Kids, The First Amendment Is Too Broad, Just Accept A Nuclear North Korea

NBC is one of the big news networks that many refer to as ‘Mainstream Media,’ but there is nothing main stream about the utter nonsense they spew through their opinion platforms.

And not the kind of usual, Republican bashing nonsense, but truly idiotic or dangerous ‘thought experiments’ that they advertise as if it were credible. The state of mind of our media paragons, and thus a good portion of the country, is horrendous.

Look at a sampling, highlighted by Editor of National Review Online Charles Cooke, of NBC Think. This Leftist paradise purports to be “NBC News’ home for op-eds, in-depth analyses and essays about about news and current events. Find opinions that will make you think differently and deeply about the world and our place in it.” 


So having children is killing the planet, free speech only applies to that which doesn’t offend Snowflakes, and America should just roll over and accept lunatic dictators, that constantly threaten the U.S. and her allies with annihilation, with nuclear weapons.

How does anyone on the Left refer to the Right as ‘Extreme’ with a straight face?

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