Fortunately for Americans, there are still some level-headed politicians in D.C. Given what has transpired this past week, it would seem that this is increasingly rare.
Mark Meadows is chair of the House Freedom Caucus, a group of representatives whose disgust with the initial version of the AHCA put them at odds with the president and other party members. Now Meadows insists that the Senate version of the health care bill contain one major line item.
Freedom Caucus Chair Mark Meadows tells me that if the Senate doesn’t defund Planned Parenthood in its health care bill, he won’t support it
— Haley Byrd (@byrdinator) May 17, 2017
This ultimatum is keeping in line with the House Freedom Caucus and its loyalty to the pro-life position. On Monday, the Globe Gazette reported that this line of thinking extends far beyond Meadows.
And if the bill went back to the House with no Planned Parenthood defunding, “it would be problematic, I believe, based on my conversations with my colleagues,” said Rep. Mark Meadows, (R-N.C.), a leader of the House Freedom Caucus who helped negotiate the final language in the House bill.
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