WASHINGTON, D.C. – First in Freedom Daily was on the ground in our nation’s capital last week, in attendance with hundreds of thousands of Trump supporters for the event, marching to the U.S. Capitol, witnessing the advent and the aftermath first hand.
Now, having been there, our perspective on the day is in many ways different from that which you are seeing on television. Yes, there was a cohort of both overzealous, self-described ‘patriots’ (no doubt complemented by professional Leftist instigators) intent on causing trouble. You’ve seen the evidence of that, but only within in the context that those small factions were representative of all who were present for the events of January 6, 2021.
This is a false narrative.
Quite the contrary, as being pointed out by conservative commentators to anyone who will listen, the vast majority of Trump supporters were shell shocked, ashamed, and incensed at the foolish violence that ruined the legitimate protest by engaging in the same mob activity conservatives have spent the better part of the year condemning on the Left.
The throngs began lining up to get into the event (the speeches) around 5:00 AM. It was cold, it was damp, and it was dark. As the sun rose, and crowds grew, it became apparent that Trump’s call to descend on Washington, D.C. to protest the certification of the Electoral College for Joe Biden, was heeded by A LOT of people. From inside the seated area, with capacity of a mere several thousand, one could not see the end of crowds filling in around the mall of the Washington Monument.
Once the speeches got underway, those supporters from North Carolina perked up to hear Congressman Madison Cawthorn and North Carolina native Lara Trump, wife of Eric Trump.
Rudy Giuliani and Constitutional Law expert Professor Eastman outlined the compelling evidence of fraud in the 2020 elections, and, of course, President Donald Trump was the main act. You can watch Trump’s full speech here. In it, you will not find ANY call for breaking the law, or engaging in violence, or interrupting the proceedings on Capitol Hill.
To the contrary, the speech was imbued with the same themes common at Trump rallies: Law and Order; respect for law enforcement; free press; election integrity; and, America First. The context, of course, is a Save America rally focused on massive and astounding allegations of fraud. A stolen election that should not be certified.
That being said, the speech itself was relatively flat compared to the rousing speeches of a typical MAGA rally. It was half legal brief, and became boring enough that many began to leave and begin the long walk to the Capitol.
Now, contrary to the media’s narrative telling America that Trump called for violence, the people causing such problems were already at the Capitol long before Trump’s speech ended. According to the timeline, the initial breaches of security fences, and the Capitol complex itself, was already in progress as the majority of the crowd had only just begun their long march to the Hill.
And before many of them even arrived, President Donald Trump, alerted to the lawlessness underway, tweeted to ‘remain peaceful’ and ‘go home.’ Police were calling in for back up, sirens blazed everywhere on their way to the scene, and you can see much of the crowd heeding his warning, turning around to walk in the opposite direction.
Getting closer to the Capitol, and seeing media alerts cross the wire from phones, it became apparent that the situation at the Capitol itself had devolved from what, by all other measures, is a peaceful gathering of Trump supporters of all makes and models.
At this point, the Mayor of Washington, D.C. issues a 6:00 PM curfew, which you can hear some in the crowd react to. Moreover, in the below clip you can see the clouds of drifting tear gas near the Capitol steps, and hear the firing of rubber bullets and flash grenades.
The Left is currently pushing the falsehood that the Trump protestors/rioters were not subjected to tear gas or other crowd dispersal tactics that were used in other conflagrations related to BLM over the summer. In addition to the clear sound of such tactics being used in the video above, standing on the plaza beneath the Capitol steps one couldn’t help but notice the thousands of rubber bullets at your feet.
Approaching the Capitol lawn, there was no evidence that the area had ever been cordoned off. The initial breaches of this area, and police receding to the building itself, had happened long before.
The only vestige of such barricades was the bike-rack type fencing that has been turned on end to serve as ramps/ladders over a small wall separating the lawn from the plaza beneath the site of the inauguration, where grandstands and infrastructure had already been set up.
With only transient phone signal, most of the people here had no idea what had transpired in the hour before their arrival. What you see, in contrast to the footage on TV, is a peaceful crowd coalescing around the Capitol plaza.
With numbers increasing, and the detestable acts already well underway, the crowd begins filling up the plaza, the inauguration bleachers, and the Capitol steps — flanked by law enforcement merely observing a building crowd doing little more than chanting ‘Stop the Steal,’ and singing the National Anthem and Amazing Grace.
Again, most are completely oblivious to the extent of the drama inside the Capitol.
It settled into rally form, with the crowd chanting ‘Fight for Trump!’ — not a call for violence, but a call for congressmen and women to object to the Biden electors and demand an audit of the results from suspect states.
At one point a Trump supporter yelled, ‘MAKE A HOLE!’ as he and others helped a police officer out of the crowd and to an ambulance. He was not injured by protesters, but instead having a health issue. The MAGA sea parted, helping expedite the officer’s rescue in a real life confirmation of their pro-law enforcement sentiments.
This officer was not the one who tragically passed away, that much we know, but it is uncertain as to what his trouble was. There were multiple reports of medical emergencies suffered by protesters and law enforcement officers.
This went on for about an hour or two, very much a peaceful protest by thousands of Trump supporters at the foot of the Capitol. Eventually, though, as news of the violence that preceded them, as well and both chambers of Congress being evacuated, the certification halted, people caught up to what was happening, and President Trump’s call to go home.
At this point we headed away from the Capitol, and along with nearly everyone else, began to learn just how tense and extensive the initial confrontations and ongoing infiltration of the Capitol has been. As images and video hit the wires, news of the shooting death of one by Capitol Police became clear, and accounts were shared among attendees, a great shame began to fall on all.
Rumors — some unfounded, others now backed up with some evidence — began to fly.
‘Antifa infiltrated as Trump supporters to cause trouble;’ ‘The Trump supporter was unarmed and merely standing around when shot;’ ‘The police just disappeared, or even let protesters inside the Capitol.’
What you see in the video above is the event that a vast majority of the hundreds of thousands (millions?) or Trump supporters witnessed and participated in on January 6, 2021. No lawlessness, no violence, no threats; just protest and patriotism to let Congress hear their voices loud and clear.
Through out the rest of the afternoon and evening, First in Freedom Daily spoke with hundreds of Trump supporters who attended the speech, the march, the Capitol steps rally, and even a few that entered the Capitol itself.
As to the latter; those we spoke to recounted that they merely walked in, with others, and walked around. They said there were very few police, and those they saw even directed them here or there, to facilitate moving through. First in Freedom Daily does not condone the trespassing that went on, but we are confident that the vast majority of those that did merely strolled through unimpeded.
Without exception, the people we spoke to expressed shock and disappointment as the news and footage of violence spread. Without exception, these Trump supporters disavowed such violence and vandalism, decried the foolishness of it, and lamented that such detestable behavior was not only unbecoming of the crowd, but served to fatally undermine the message they wished to send that day.
They expressed sadness at the death of a Trump supporter at the hands of Capitol Police, but also understanding that disregarding police orders and violently attempting to access chambers in the Capitol was a recipe for being shot. They felt the weight of what the day had become, and the frustration of what that meant going forward.
Now, days later, that frustration percolates. The media is smearing every person attending the events of that day as an ‘insurrectionist’ and pushes the verifiable lie that President Trump directed supporters to take such abhorrent actions. Articles of Impeachment have been filed against Trump for ‘inciting insurrection,’ a charge laughable to any in attendance at his speech.
In reality, the account above is what 99 percent of that crowd saw on the ground that day. And those people hate the lawless acts and violence of the few, more than anyone else. They know what is patently obvious at this point; that this plays right into the hands of the Left and those seeking to delegitimize and dehumanize Trump supporters and their grievances.
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