RALEIGH – It appears that the social justice warriors over at N.C. State University (NCSU) were starting to feel left out of the fun as fellow Triangle colleges enjoyed protests and vandalism of Civil War statues, and the Wolfpack Left couldn’t find anything to howl about.
Well, they have now found an ominous sign of active oppression to rally against, but this time it can’t be torn down or defaced. The racist historical marker that has to go is actually a word: Dixie.
NCSU Student Body President Jackie Gonzalez writes in an Op-Ed that the appearance of the word ‘Dixie’ in the university’s Alma Mater is an oppressive weight too much to bear for students of color.
“While other institutions, some peer and sister, kicked off their school year with protests and distaste for campus statues and building names, I sat back comfortably knowing that NC State didn’t have to go through the public scrutiny.
Was I naive? Absolutely. I knew racial biases were on campus. I’ve seen them, I’ve heard them, and I’ve felt them. I knew a much more complex problem existed than just statues and building commemorations. I knew this comfort, however brief, was wrong.
Though we don’t have statues or buildings commemorating confederate and/or racist people (that we know of), we force students of color to sing the word Dixie in arguably the most sacred song that any Wolfpack member gets to sing, the Alma Mater.”
For starters, it is highly unlikely that students are ‘forced’ to recite the Alma Mater, but that’s neither here, nor there. It seems as if Gonzalez, far from being comforted that N.C. State had nothing to feel oppressed by, was actually frustrated that she and other likeminded snowflakes couldn’t find something for them to unleash their Leftist rage on and join the raging victimhood party going on in Chapel Hill and Durham.
How egregiously oppressive can a thing be if it escapes your attention for months? Even when you’re looking for it!
Gonzalez continues to offer her tortured reasoning as to why ‘Dixie’ should be banned:
“Dixie [dik-see] noun: the southern states of the United States, especially those that were formerly part of the Confederacy.
Derives from Jeremiah Dixon, a surveyor of the Mason–Dixon line, which defined the border between Maryland and Pennsylvania, and, for the most part, free and slave states subsequent to the Missouri Compromise.
Your interpretation of the word dixie might be different than mine. To you, it might not mean anything. To you, it might be a harmless devotion to our nation’s history. To you, I might be overreacting. Is a word harmless when it shoulders a weight on the backs of our students of color? It is much more than a devotion to our nation’s heritage. It’s etched and effortlessly sung in every area of our university experience.”
Perhaps it is effortlessly sung by people because it is literally a geographic term as her own presented definition and background spell out. The Mason-Dixon line existed before the Missouri Compromise, and was used to delineate slave states from free states. Yes, slavery is abhorrent. So is any institutionalized racism. Dixon was a SURVEYOR, not a purveyor of bigoted hate, as best as we can tell.
The ‘Land of Dixie’ is essentially ‘The South.’ It’s a place, a region, that has a history. Shall we ban the word ‘south’ as well? How about changing the names of all the southern states? How about Dixie Cups? Those racist containers for liquid surely have to go. Better yet, let’s just remove any reference to any place or anything that ever may have happened lest it offend someone for their knowing it.
“This homecoming season, I want you to try to relish the Alma Mater, and the word you sing as you stand next to your friend who is Black, Hispanic/Latinx, Native American or Asian. I want you to be uncomfortable and think what this word would mean to you if you lived with the weight of racism on your back every day.
I want you to ask yourself, if this word is harmless, if it is history, if it doesn’t mean any harm, why can’t it be kept in the museums where we commemorate our history? Also ask yourself: Do I want this word? Do I want its history? Will you shoulder its weight? The answer you give determines the burden or the lack thereof that your peers and loved ones carry.”
Just to clarify, in case you thought you noticed a typo above in her quote, ‘Latinx‘ is a “is a gender neutral term often used in lieu of Latino or Latina that refers to individuals with cultural ties to Latin America and individuals with Latin American descent. The -x replaces the standard o/a ending of Latino and is intended to be more gender inclusive.”
You can’t make this stuff up, folks.
Anyhow, Latinx StuDent Body President Jackie wants you to be uncomfortable. Wishing discomfort on others is a common pattern among the Leftist agitators, so much so that some groups like Antifa take it upon themselves to physically assault people that don’t agree with them.
Moreover, the ‘word’ cannot be kept in a museum because it is a WORD. You cannot banish the use of a word to museums only and maintain any semblance of liberty.
Actually, it was slave owners that used to ban those in chains from the reading and writing of words because communication and education was a threat to their oppressive powers.
Interestingly, the social justice warriors/snow flakes/Radical Leftists/Antifa openly advocate for banning free speech when it threatens their repressive narrative, abolish historical education when it acknowledges sins of the past, or physically shut you up if you dare challenge the logic of disallowing mere words.
At the end of the piece, Gonzalez invites students to a forum to discuss the “racial implications of the word “Dixie” in our Alma Mater.” It will be held Nov. 14 at 7:00 PM in 434 Daniels Hall.
Read her entire ridiculous Op-Ed here.
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