WASHINGTON, D.C. – The Republican Lieutenant Governors Association announced Wednesday that North Carolina Lt. Governor Dan Forest will serve as chairman for 2018.
First elected in 2012, Lt. Governor Forest is only the second Republican elected Lt. Governor in the state of North Carolina since 1897 and the first Republican ever to be re-elected to the position. In 2016, Forest easily defeated his Democratic opponent by over 300,000 votes, gaining more votes than both presidential and gubernatorial candidates.
“It’s a tremendous honor to be named chairman of the RLGA for this midterm cycle. My engagement with the RLGA has allowed me to interact with Republican Lt. Governors from around the country, and I’m excited to be able to continue to facilitate those relationships. With 31 Republican Lt. Governors currently in office, Republicans will have a lot of territory to defend in 2018, and I look forward to helping elect Republican Lt. Governors across the country this year.”
Arkansas Lt. Gov. Tim Griffin was named vice chair of the association.
In 2016 the RLGA made, until that point, its largest ever investment in a political action committee to support Forest’s reelection. And he has not disappointed – Forest is a consummate conservative that knows policy and, more importantly, knows principles.
Matt Walter, President of the Republican State Leadership Committee, welcomed the news of Forest’s charimanship”
“As the highest ranking statewide Republican in North Carolina, Lt. Governor Forest has consistently been an outspoken voice for responsible governance and leadership in the Tar Heel state. Lt. Governor Forest knows what it takes to win in a competitive environment, and with Lt. Governor Griffin at his side, their shared experience will be a tremendous asset to the RLGA in what is expected to be a challenging election year.”
The position will also serve to raise Forest’s profile during 2018 elections, and setting him up nicely to challenge Roy Cooper in 2020.
Forest deserves this position, and North Carolina deserves leaders like Forest to carry the Old North State into a future of limited government and prosperity.
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