RALEIGH – With the Democrats all in a tizzy about a proposed constitutional amendment to require photo ID when voting in person, you might think the idea to be unpopular. It is racist, after all, according to the Democrats.
Think again.
A flash poll conducted by SurveyUSA on behalf of the Civitas Institute in recent days reveals that a healthy majority of North Carolinians favor amending the constitution to require voter ID.
Nearly 70 percent of respondents indicated their support for voter ID. And before the NAACP and Democratic leadership labels all these supporters of common sense policy racists, take a deeper look at the results – Democrat respondents were split down the middle with 46 percent supporting and 47 percent opposing.
Uh-oh. Democrats may want to craft a new rallying cry for the 2018 elections.
Another interesting data point is the 74 percent support level from ‘Unaffiliated’ voters. Now, those registered as ‘unaffiliated’ are often referred to by the press, and by consultants, as ‘Independent Voters,’ implying that they are fence sitters with no real allegiance to any party.
The high level of support for voter ID, however, would indicate that, while no long wearing a party label, these voters are far from fence sitters when it comes to policy issues.
Also included in the poll were questions on other possible constitutional amendments – capping the state income tax at 5.5 percent; capping state budget growth at the rate of inflation + population growth; a ‘Right to Work’ amendment; and a ‘Right to hunt and fish’ amendment.
There, too, the hypothetical amendments enjoyed strong support, with only one falling below the 50 percent support threshold.
Cap income tax at 5.5 percent: 66 support/13oppose/ 21 not sure
Capping budget growth to inflation + population growth: 49 support/17 oppose/34 not sure
Right to Work: 76 support/14 oppose/10 not sure
Right to Hunt and Fish: 72 support/12 oppose/16 not sure
Although this is only one poll, it should still give Democrats reservations about whether there will be any blue wave to catch in November.
Read the full poll results here.
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