WASHINGTON, D.C. – Many Trump supporters were left scratching their heads when he released his immigration plan last week. The proposal would give amnesty to 1.8 million ‘Dreamers,’ allowed a chain migration waiting list millions deep come to the country, and delay any real border security measures until a future date.
After Trump’s campaign leaned hard on curbing illegal immigration and cleaning up a system that rewarded lawbreakers and left national security at risk, immigration hardliners were perplexed. Sites like Breitbart labeled the president ‘Amnesty Don.’
Some wondered if the proposal was merely a ploy to expose Democrats’ hypocrisy, and it looks like the were correct.
Daily Wire’s Ben Shapiro highlights just how much Trump has outsmarted the Democrats here:
“Last week, I theorized that President Trump’s big immigration proposal had been generous by design — that Trump had offered citizenship to 1.8 million illegal immigrants and another 4 million through chain migration because he wanted to demonstrate that Democrats are so unreasonable that they would malign even that generosity.
Trump tweeted just this weekend:
I have offered DACA a wonderful deal, including a doubling in the number of recipients & a twelve year pathway to citizenship, for two reasons: (1) Because the Republicans want to fix a long time terrible problem. (2) To show that Democrats do not want to solve DACA, only use it!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) January 28, 2018
Trump is exactly right. Which is why Democrats are maligning Trump’s plan — a plan that legalizes 250% more illegal immigrants than President Obama’s executive amnesty did — as “racist.”
House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) led the charge: “the plan is a campaign to make America white again.” Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) said something similar: Trump was using his plan “as a tool to tear apart our legal immigration system and adopt the wish-list by anti-immigration hardliners.”
You have to be out of your mind to believe this. […]”
But Democrats, many of them anyway, are out their mind. Crying racism is the only tactic they can come up with, evidenced by their going back to it time and time again.
Now we will have to see if DACA, and immigration reform in general, is approached with a more hardline approach that is more consistent with Trump’s campaign talk.
Either way, the Democrats have been exposed for the opportunists that they are and their 2018 election successes are looking more and more sketchy.
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