Excerpt By: ABC News. Written By: Elaina Athans.
The Durham Police Department is suspending traffic checkpoints in the city in an effort to build better community relations.
“Because of the climate and the pulse of the community and the fear that exists, I did send a directive out,” said Chief C.J. Davis. “This was done to dispel fears that have currently arisen and to further encourage sustainable relationships with the diverse community we serve.”
The directive was issued last week.
Officers will continue to participate in multi-jurisdictional highway safety campaigns, such as Booze It & Lose It and Click It or Ticket.
“When planned and executed appropriately, these operations are very effective. However, in recent weeks there has been national and local concern regarding the role of local law enforcement officers in federal immigration enforcement,” said Davis.
The move comes less than a month after immigration advocated skipped class or work, and urged law enforcement to end police checkpoints.
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