RALEIGH – So it appears that ‘Republicans for the Rule of Law’ is running more than just T.V. ads to promote the Mueller investigation and senators like Thom Tillis that want to offer the special counsel extraordinary protections.
The group formed by Never Trumper and sanctimonious neo-con Bill Kristol has a Facebook page and is running digital ads to pump up the Mueller protection push spearheaded by Tillis.
If you look closely, you can see in the comment section that the media blitz to protect Mueller and promote Tillis in North Carolina is being extremely well received. Not.
Those comments are hardly the exception. This particular post on the page has hundreds of comments, with a only a handful even coming close to positive.
Yep. The people just *LOVE* them some Thom Tillis. Of course, Tillis likely thinks all of these voters are mere rubes, not to be concerned with. After all, if he actually cared about living up to his conservative campaign rhetoric in order to benefit his constituents, how would he ever win favor in the Swamp?
It just keeps going on like this, scroll, scroll, after scroll. Tillis hasn’t made any official announcements regarding his plans to run again in 2020, but someone this sunken into the Swamp usually has a hard time giving up the power of pull and ego boost provided by being a tool of the Establishment.
So assuming he runs, who is going to capitalize on his amazing level of unpopularity? North Carolina could use a real conservative representing us in the U.S. Senate. It would sure beat being patronized by the likes of Tillis and Bill Kristol at every turn.
In the mean time, head on over to the Republicans for the Rule of Law Facebook page and let them know what you think of Tillis and the Mueller investigation.
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