RALEIGH – A group called ‘Republicans for the Rule of Law’ is running ads in Raleigh and Charlotte promoting the virtues of Special Counsel of the Russia/Trump Collusion probe Robert Mueller to solicit support certain politicians and the Mueller protection legislation they are pushing.
The ads in North Carolina are undoubtedly in defense of, not just Mueller, but Sen. Thom Tillis (RINO-NC). Tillis has been leading a charge to pass an arguably unconstitutional bill that would protect Mueller in the event that President Donald Trump tried to fire him before the investigation is over.
We’ve highlighted how Tillis’ push for special counsel protection has drawn the ire of his GOP colleagues. Even Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) stated that he would not bring the bill to the senate floor.
So which Republicans are behind the ads then?
“Republicans for the Rule of Law was recently founded by Bill Kristol, Mona Charen, and Linda Chavez–along with a broad coalition of conservatives and Republicans–to represent the majority of Republicans who believe special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation should be completed without political interference.
In anticipation of Thursday’s Senate Judiciary Committee vote on the Special Counsel Integrity Act, and to praise Senator Thom Tillis’ leadership on this issue, Republicans for the Rule of Law is airing this ad for the first time in Charlotte and Raleigh on Tuesday and Wednesday on Fox News.
The ad highlights Robert Mueller’s integrity and goes on to show the consensus among Republic leadership that he should be allowed to finish his job.”
Kristol is the founder of The Weekly Standard, an entrenched neo-con, and the captain of the ‘Never Trumpers’ from day one. While even the Establishment leadership in the senate isn’t on board with this straw man bill, Kristol, Tillis, and their ilk just can’t stop themselves from defending the Swamp against an outsider president.
Even Tillis admits that Trump is not likely to fire Mueller. So why extend the narrative that Trump is thinking about firing Mueller, and thereby give even more fuel to the Trump/Russia hysteria propagated by the Left?
That’s a good question. Instead of ads praising Mueller, they should be running ads encouraging Mueller to close his investigation for lack of evidence and mission creep.
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