RALEIGH – Chairman of the Board of the John Locke Foundation has a habit of flirting with policy positions and political opinions that don’t exactly jive with the ‘Mr. Conservative’ label he likes to sport.
Brant Clifton at the Daily Haymaker has a habit of calling him out on it, in usually hilarious fashion:
“I tuned in on YouTube this weekend to catch the waning days of NC Spin’s run on WRAL. “Mr’Conservative” — John Hood was there, as usual, along with an old guy from The John Locke Foundation to carry our standard against “Blinkin’ Chris” and “Grandpa Tom.”
Things stayed relatively mundane — as usual — until it got to be lil’ John’s turn to tell us what he thought about the Alabama Senate race. He has no clue about politics in THIS state, so I was interested to hear what he thought about the political terrain in a whole other state he also knows little about.
I held my breath in anticipation of the wisdom soon to be dripping from Professor Hood’s mouth, and then it came:
“When you have a president who is in the 30s in the polls, your party’s in trouble. Also, don’t nominate creeps.”
Wow. A double-whammy against Donald Trump AND Roy Moore — two guys who clearly don’t have Monsieur.Hood’s refinement, taste and passion for tap-dancing and tinkling on of the ivories.
First, the monster rallies Trump has had in Alabama — as late as last month — would not indicate 70 percent of the Alabama electorate hating the president. Drive by polls keep trying to convince us that Trump is as hated here. But I don’t see it. (And I get around.)”
The problem with John Hood is one that plagues far too many Republicans in office and in media. Namely, they give far too much credence to the opposition’s talking points and are gullible when it comes to the Left’s narrative about how unpopular Republican politicians and policies are.
In reality, the poll numbers for Trump, much like those advertised for the recently passed tax cut legislation, are more of a partisan political weapon designed to smear the Right precisely because they are so popular.
Roy Moore notwithstanding, Trump is likely as popular in the Southeast as he was on election day. After he signs historic tax legislation and reminds voters of his first year under the radar accomplishments, he will be even more popular.
Read more of Clifton’s humorous take on ‘Mr. Conservative’ here.
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