WASHINGTON, D.C. – The longest serving member of congress, Rep. John Conyers (D-MI), with sexual harassment allegations piling up, announced he is resigning from his post. He also announced that he is endorsing his son, John Conyers III to replace him in the seat. Here’s to hoping that some apples fall far from the tree.
Conyers has been accused by several women, including former staffers and lawmakers, of sexual harassment. The latest is an allegation that he sexually harassed a women while sitting next to her in church.
“My legacy can’t be compromised or diminished in any way by what we’re going through now. This too shall pass,” said Conyers on a local Michigan radio station Tuesday morning.
He added, “I want you to know that my legacy will continue through my children. I have a great family here and especially in my oldest boy, John Conyers III who incidentally I endorsed to replace me in my seat in Congress.”
The news comes after Conyers’ great-nephew, 29-year old Michigan state Senator Ian Conyers, told CBS News’ Jonathan Blakley he would be running for the elder Conyers’ seat.”
According to a phone interview with The New York Times, the state senator was adamant that the elder Conyers was not resigning, but retiring instead. The 88-year-old Democrat is the longest-serving current House member.
“His doctor advised him that the rigor of another campaign would be too much for him just in terms of his health,” Ian Conyers told the Times.”
There is no doubt that the incumbent Conyers, 88, is not in prime health. However, that hasn’t stopped him from running in the last election, when he was a spring chicken at 86. Democrats would run your lives from the grave if they could find a way to cast votes for Big Government from six feet under.
The assertion that this is not an exit due to sexual harassment allegations is pure spin, only accepted due to his age. Al Franken on the other hand, similarly facing sexual misconduct allegations, is not likely to give up his senate seat.
While Conyers is ‘retiring’, there is no real reason to be optimistic about Republicans picking up his House seat in 2018. As he mentioned in the quote above, he has a lot of family involved in politics in Michigan that are well trained in the ways of the Left and ready to continue his legacy, if you can call it that.
And many voters probably won’t know the difference at all if John Conyers III runs for eleciton instead of John Conyers II. Just the same, one Leftist is like the other.
Now if only ultra-liberal Democrat House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) would give her health and mental capacity some much needed consideration and retire. Then we’d all be a little better off.
Read more here.
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