RALEIGH – It’s not normally the case that election year political headlines make you laugh out loud, but the latest from Linda Coleman, a Democrat running for the 2nd District U.S. House seat and to-time loser to Dan Forest for the lieutenant governor post, is suggesting she has been hacked by the Russians, and it’s hilarious.
“Former Wake County Commissioner Linda Coleman is sounding the alarm on alleged Russian meddling in her campaign for office.
“I am a firm believer in see something, say something,” Coleman said.
Coleman, a Democrat who is running for Congress in House District 2, said this week her staff learned about the alleged meddling after doing a Google search for her name. Coleman said that the site administrator sold her old website to someone from Russia.
The site in question is an old site from her lost 2016 bid for Lieutenant Governor.
“Underhanded and deceptive strategies like this one only thrive when people choose not to speak out about what they see before them,” she said.
But when users click on one of the links on Coleman’s site – it reveals a page written in a foreign language promoting pills for male sexual enhancement.”
Yes. On the Russians covert warfare ‘To Do’ list, is, 1) Assassinate double agents on foreign soil; 2) Destabilize EU periphery; and, 3) Trick unsuspecting Linda Coleman supporters into purchasing sexual enhancement drugs.
This is so laughable, but not altogether surprising. Democrats will reach very far to hitch their wagons to the latest scandals, and they have proven time and again that the ‘Russian meddling’ narrative will love on through at least 2020.
Even Coleman’s Democratic primary opponents, though, are making fun of her.
“Romley’s campaign is dismissive of Coleman’s claims.
“This isn’t a hacker. This is a Cialis ad,” said Thomas Mills, a consultant to the Romley for Congress campaign. “If Ms. Coleman can’t remember to renew her web domain, I’m not sure we should trust her to protect us from hackers or Russian campaign meddling.”
Romley, like Coleman, is a Democrat.”
That’s likely the only good point Thomas Mills will make during his 2018 consulting gigs.
The 2nd U.S. House District has a full slate of candidates to choose from, battling to unseat incumbent Republican Rep. George Holding. One of those options, fortunately, is the antithesis of Coleman and would be an improvement over Holding – Allen Chesser.
We profiled Chesser earlier this week, and suggest you read more about this young conservative combat veteran looking to inject some principled action in the Swamp.
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