RALEIGH – Gov. Roy Cooper, and the rest of the North Carolina Left for that matter, love to plan the compassionate role when it comes to education. They have whined about low teacher pay as Republicans on Jones Street gave teachers the largest pay increases in a generation; they clamor for endless increases to education funds, citing needs for text books and serving the underprivileged ; and, they sue Republicans to stop scholarships for low-income students.
Wait, what? Here’s the hot take from A.P. Dillon:
“The Governor wants to strip 6,775 students of the education they selected and which their parents feel is the best fit for their child.
Why? Because Cooper is literally in a power pissing contest with the General Assembly.
Cooper contends that because of the law requiring that forward-funding for the Opportunity Scholarship Program be included in NC’s base budget, that it’s unconstitutional because it isn’t in line with his executive authority to propose his own budget.
Cooper’s using the court to try to kill scholarships for poor kids because he ideologically is opposed to them. Cooper is not ideologically opposed to spending $19 million of your tax money on “free” community college though.
Cooper’s assault on children from low-income families, many of which are minority families, is not going without challenge.
Parents for Educational Freedom in North Carolina (PEFNC) is punching back and has filed motions with the court. PEFNC has filed an Amicus Curiae Brief in support of the funding structure for Opportunity Scholarship Program.
The brief cites multiple rulings in favor of the program as being constitutional by the NC State Supreme Court. PEFNC’s filings also ask the Court to dismiss Governor Cooper’s claim that “requiring forward-funding for the Program in the state’s base budget is unconstitutional.”
“Enough is enough,” said PEFNC President Darrell Allison in a press release. “The Governor’s efforts to pull the Opportunity Scholarship Program into yet another lawsuit is very disappointing and disheartening.”
“Forward-funding of the Opportunity Scholarship Program is crucial to its success,” said Allison. “Our filing shows the Court not only why this law is constitutional, but how history has shown that—but for having this budgeting procedure in place—the desperate hopes and dreams of these families will be dashed.”
Allison went on to slam Cooper ‘s anti-school choice and choosing “politics over parents.””
Enough is enough is exactly right. Cooper and the Democrats have sued the legislature at every turn to make up for their weak electoral successes and unpopular policy positions.
They will pander to the low-income voters when it is convenient for them, and then turn around and fight tax cuts and scholarships for those same families.
How can parents get the best education for their children if Democrats like Cooper keep them from sending their kids to the schools they deem best for them?
Read more about the case and challenges here.
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