RALEIGH – Maybe it’s the constant veto overrides, or the pandering to the uber-left, or perhaps his constant whining on his way to the court house to file suit against Republicans – whatever it is, Roy Cooper’s favorability ratings have taken quite a hit since he took office.
In a recent poll conducted by the Civitas Institute the Democrat has slipped under the 50 percent approval threshold for the first time, dropping 10 points from the May poll. His unfavorability absorbed most of that drop, moving up eight points over the same time period.
While Cooper still enjoys a 15 point positive spread, he is likely to stir up more animosity as he sticks his neck out for Leftist causes approaching the 2018 mid-term election cycle.
Another Democrat…err…Republican that is not fairing too well in this poll is Sen. Thom Tillis.
Unlike Cooper, Tillis is upside down in favorability, sporting an abysmal approval rating of 29 percent. Even with all the fawning coverage praising his pragmatic bipartisanship (Read: Selling Out) by Leftist publications, Tillis can’t manage to keep his head above water.
His unfavorable numbers tend to spike around election time due to his tendency to arrogantly patronize conservative voters and the fact that he drips slime from the D.C. Swamp, so expect these numbers to get even worse as he nears the end of his term in 2020.
As for President Donald Trump, despite the weight of the Leftist mainstream media hanging around his neck, the unfiltered Commander-in-Chief actually ticked up a few points since the last poll.
The poll covered key political issues as well. One of the more interesting results was the heavy disapproval of a proposed constitutional amendment to reduce judicial terms to two years.
See all of the poll results here.
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