Yesterday, we reported a rumor floating around the Capitol City that Roy Cooper was considering violating multiple state laws in order to expand Medicaid.
Well, it’s no longer a rumor, folks.
On Wednesday morning, while speaking to a group of business leaders at an economic forum, Cooper confirmed he would file an amendment by Friday asking the federal government to amend the state Medicaid plan, basically expanding Obamacare’s coverage, and economic stranglehold, in the state.
As we showed yesterday, this violates both the State Budget Act, which says only the legislature can appropriate funds, and Senate Bill 4, passed in 2013, which states that North Carolina’s Governor absolutely cannot expand Medicaid so long as Obamacare exists.
Of course, as we all know, the entire point of Obamacare, according to liberal radicals like Roy Cooper, was to “close the gap” between people who have insurance coverage and those who don’t.
But that hasn’t stopped radical progressive organizations, like the N.C. Justice Center, from claiming that we still need to “close the gap.”
Their statement supported the Governor’s illegal action, saying, “to close the coverage gap for nearly half a million North Carolinians by accepting Medicaid expansion.”
I never thought it was possible, but Roy Cooper is on his way to being an even worse Governor than any of us who worked to defeat him could’ve ever imagined…
UPDATE (2:53PM): Moments ago, Senate Leader Phil Berger (R-Rockingham) released the following statement on Roy Cooper’s newest, most illicit, idea to expand Obamacare against state law:
“Just days into his term as governor, Roy Cooper already intends to violate his oath of office with a brazenly illegal attempt to force a massive, budget-busting Obamacare expansion on North Carolina taxpayers. Cooper is three strikes and out on his attempt to break state law: he does not have the authority to unilaterally expand Obamacare, his administration cannottake steps to increase Medicaid eligibility and our Constitution does not allow him to spend billions of state tax dollars we don’t have to expand Obamacare without legislative approval.”
Berger’s statement also indicated Legislative leaders plan to ask Congress and the federal Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) to disapprove Cooper’s illegal power grab and will release their correspondence shortly.
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