WASHINGTON, D.C. – Congress entered this week facing a Friday deadline for approving a temporary spending budget, or face the much maligned advent of a government shutdown. Wouldn’t you know it, when presented with a dilemma the solution to which is an agreement to keep spending taxpayer money these politicians are quick to get the job done.
“The U.S. Congress sent President Donald Trump a two-week extension of federal funding that averts a government shutdown this week but defers contentious decisions on spending on defense and domestic programs.
The White House said Trump would sign the bill extending government spending at current levels until Dec. 22. That will be the deadline for the new round of negotiations.
If Trump and the lawmakers can agree on overall budget limits over the next two weeks, one option would be to include that into yet another short-term spending bill to keep the government open until sometime in January. Then Congress could try to hash out the remaining details of a trillion-dollar spending plan for the rest of the fiscal year. Lawmakers also are likely to take up raising the nation’s debt limit at the same time.”
The agreement, in true Swamp style, kicks the can of the major decisions own the road, such as entitlement and defense spending. Keeping the Big Government spigots on comes easy to the Establishment in D.C., but it would be nice if they acted with the same haste and purpose when it comes to cutting spending.
Spending money (even money you don’t have) = Just hit the Easy Button
Cutting taxes or reeling in Big Government = Might as well be a Rubik’s Cube…in the dark
Even the House Freedom Caucus has stumbled in their mission a few times this fall, helping to advance more spending and deficits in the name of ‘getting something done.’
The short-term spending agreement also sets up a debt ceiling debate just before the Christmas holiday which is sure to offer some holiday suspense before congress ultimately buckles under the pressure and raises the debt ceiling for the umpteenth time.
“The ceiling on federal borrowing was suspended in September but snaps back into place on Friday. The Treasury Department has about $250 billion worth of extraordinary measures available to extend the deadline, plus about $80 billion in cash. The Congressional Budget Office has said the Treasury can use those measures through late March or early April.
Republican Representative Paul Gosar, a member of the conservative House Freedom Caucus, said before the vote that he fears the Dec. 22 deadline will force Republicans into too many concessions to Democrats on spending and policy.
“I’m tired of seeing the same play again and again,” he said.
Make no doubt about it; the debt ceiling will be raised. It is the path of least resistance for a government addicted to spending.
But at least we’ve avoided the total apocalyptic calamity of a government shutdown – you know, where life goes uninterrupted just like any other day.
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