CHARLOTTE – There have been a few examples of ‘woke’ social curricula being pushed in classrooms around North Carolina, yet despite the push back from students and their parents, progressive activists in public education persist in pushing the Left’s focus on sexuality and gender, and it’s near endless list of variations, according to the woke dogma.
Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools (CMS) is mandating students as young as 6th graders take a survey that requires they list their sexual orientation and gender identity. As you can imagine, parents (and some teachers) are concerned about the survey, and what business CMS has in asking their 12 year olds to report their sexual orientation.
From WFAE:
“Some Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools parents and teachers say they’re concerned about a mandatory survey being given in class that asks students in grades 6-12 to list their sexual orientation and gender identity.
It’s part of a school climate survey being administered by the district’s Title IX department. That’s a reference to a law forbidding federally-funded schools from discriminating by sex.
CMS Chief Equity Officer Frank Barnes said Friday that the district has given the survey for three or four years, but this is the first time the questions about sexual orientation and gender identity were added. He said fifth-graders also take the climate survey but did not get the additional questions.
“We wanted to be able to direct precious resources to make sure that students who are lesbian, gay, bisexual, queer (or) transgender can feel safe and supported in their schools,” Barnes said. […]”
Yet, all Barnes and CMS failed to communicate with any parents about the survey questions. This may come as a surprise to educators that believe its their job to bring kids just exiting elementary school up to their level of wokeness on issue of sexuality and gender identity, but many parents of 11 and 12 year olds are very comfortable with such topics being forced on their kids.
“[…] “My concern is about the fact that they’re asking very personal and private information from children who may or may not understand the terminologies that they’re using yet,” said Shamaiye Haynes, the mother of fourth- and 11th-graders in CMS.
Neither parents nor the teachers administering the survey were told what to expect, according to interviews and online comments. One middle school teacher says he realized something was different about a school climate survey when a student asked him what “asexual” means.
It’s one of seven options on a multiple-choice question asking students to describe their sexual orientation, along with straight/heterosexual, gay or lesbian, bisexual, pansexual, questioning my sexual orientation or “other.” […]”
Pansexual?! They are asking 12 year olds to report if they are PANSEXUAL when many don’t even know what terms like ‘asexual’ mean. They also ask them to report if they are a boy, a girl, non-binary, or gender fluid.
Parents are concerned; Gay teachers suggest it’s an invasion of privacy, as the information is attached to the student’s login ID; and CMS Chief Equity Officer Frank Barnes suggests there may have been a better way to get this information.
Here’s a question: WHY DO YOU NEED THIS INFORMATION? Parents of young and coming of age children would be justified in thinking that a public school district administrator has absolutely no business inquiring about their child’s ‘pansexuality.’ Many likely also resent that their tax dollars pay for a chief equity officer, whose entire job is dedicated to injecting this social justice wokeness into the minds of young children.
Read more about this latest example of what Hussein Hill describes as the LGBTQ’s malevolent agenda, here.
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