RALEIGH – North Carolina Democrats started the ‘Break The Majority’ movement several months ago, giving a catchy tag line to their efforts to displace Republican super-majorities in the General Assembly. Ironically, one of the first developments in that movement was the switching of a longtime rural House Democrat to the Republican Party.
Still, the messaging from the Leftist Party of the Old North State has been full of confidence in their 2018 election prospects. After all, their unending legal challenges to redistricting and Good Ol’ Roy Cooper whining loudly from his bully pulpit at the Governor’s Mansion should give them a lot of momentum, right?
Well, it seems that even Democrats suspect this is delusional. More likely, the 2018 tidal wave to ‘Break The Majority’ will turn out to be a ripple that laps at the shores of some big urban districts.
“Unfortunately, for the gang at HQ, their own elected are not buying the spin. At least, that’s the message I got from the handful of Dem “honorables” I encountered while traversing the holiday party circuit. (Believe it or not, I know some.)
One from Jones Street told me:
“I think the whole tidal wave idea is being oversold by the party. I don’t see it, frankly. I think the Republicans will still have a majority when the smoke clears in November. But I think we’ll make some inroads in Charlotte and Raleigh — the Dollar seat, the Malone seat.””
Nelson Dollar, a lawmaker from Wake County and a leading budget writer has been at risk for a few cycles now because he is just so ‘swampy.’ Grassroots Republicans would do well to put forth a conservative primary challenger that can actually excite the base and take a truly conservative message to Jones Street.
After the pushing out of conservative stalwarts like Chris Millis through redistricting, the House is in serious need of credible conservatives that can articulate a freedom agenda that resonates in that chamber.
“It’s pretty clear that the GOP base is not happy with congressional and legislative Republicans right now. Can’t Democrats take advantage of that?
The “honorables” I spoke with said the NCGOPe will counter that problem with some constitutional amendments on the 2018 ballot. (The marriage amendment sure helped gin up turnout when it was on the ballot.)”
Again, another reason Chris Millis will be missed. The former House member did yeoman’s work to craft and advance a concealed carry constitutional amendment that would have drawn out conservatives to defend and further enshrine their Second Amendment rights.
Unfortunately, Millis was the victim of trickery by House Speaker Tim Moore (R-Kinds Mountain) who used Committee Chairman Rep. Justin Burr (R-Stanly) to bury that legislation.
We’ll have to wait and see if the legislative leadership’s idea of a conservative constitutional amendment is genuine push to protect individual rights, or a something that just plays the part.
In any case, it is nice to know that some Democrats are at least honest with themselves and others behind closed doors. Whether under new court drawn districts, or not, Democrats don’t stand a chance of breaking up the Republican majority on Jones Street as long as they are offering an agenda of bigger government, higher taxes, and radical Leftist victimology that the people of North Carolina don’t want.
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