Excerpt From: CBS North Carolina, WNCN.
On Selection Sunday, a North Carolina lawmaker announced his plans to file a bill aimed at the NCAA and the ACC.
Representative Mark Brody (R-Monroe) wants to investigate if the two organizations violated their tax-exempt status by engaging in political or lobbying activities. This bill comes after the two organizations moved championship games from North Carolina because of House Bill 2.
In a Facebook post, he wrote, “The NCAA and ACC have allegedly engaged in excessive lobbying activities that exceeded their respective charters by using economic retaliation against N-C for the purpose of forcing the General Assembly to adopt social legislation that is not connected to their core mission. I believe the NCAA and the ACC have stepped out of bounds and, to the best of my ability, will never allow the General Assembly to relinquish its legislative authority over the internal affairs of the State or succumb to economic extortion to and from either the NCAA or the ACC.”
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