Give this college gal a big hand — or two.
A student’s graduation memories have gone viral after she shared five photos to Facebook posing in her cap and gown with what appears to be a set of doll hands up her sleeves.
Delaney Henry, who attends Appalachian State University according to her profile, is pictured smiling in a celestial field, cupping flowers and holding her face with her dainty digits.
“All my mom wanted was serious graduation photos,” Henry wrote.
While the zany post, which has been shared more than 88,000 times, received laughs from numerous Facebook users, some concerned commenters questioned if the little limbs are Henry’s actual arms.
“First off before I laugh and gain a one way trip to hell. Is this real?” Nikki Jackson asked in a comment.
Henry’s use of doll hands is reminiscent of former SNL star Kristen Wiig’s legendary “The Lawrence Welk Show” skit, where she donned a pair of similar baby hands.
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