RALEIGH – A reporter embedded with the caravan of Central American migrants careening toward the US Border noted that many she interviewed claimed to have relatives in North Carolina. It’s impossible to know who among the horde are honest, opportunity seeking individuals and who are sketchy, crime-prone opportunists.
Even if it is only one out of 100, the NC FIRE report for October reminds us why they must not be allowed to rush the border and disappear into the United States.
“After a “slow” month in September, illegal aliens in NC really “picked-it-up” in October… unfortunately, for the children and families of these heinous acts.
For the month of October 2018, we were able to “document” 22 illegal aliens who committed 88+ separate acts of child rape/child sexual assault in North Carolina.
Every state around NC has strict illegal immigration laws in effect. They are not welcomed or wanted in those states, so they come here. And here is where our children are paying for it.
There is NO EXCUSE for inaction by our legislators in Raleigh OTHER THAN the almighty $$$. Our children are being sacrificed for cheap illegal alien labor for the NC Farm Bureau and the NC Chamber of Commerce.
Unless you contact your Legislator in Raleigh and demand they put a stop to this, it will continue. All we can hope is that it is not your children who are victimized next.”
So what, exactly are these people charged with? Here is a small sample:
It’s worth repeating that native North Carolinians (unfortunately) also commit such heinous acts against children. The difference is that the individuals cited in this report are not supposed to be here in the first place, had border security and enforcement of immigration laws been what it should be.
Beyond the obvious offense of entering illegally, and sexually assaulting children, these individuals sully the reputation of all those that wish to come here and make an honest living.
We’ve spoken with one of those illegal immigrants, who paid the fee to sneak across and make a better life for himself and his family, about his views on conservative immigration policy proposals and the populist angst about porous borders. You know what? Even he agrees with President Donald Trump; the first priority of president, or the man of the house, is to keep the home(land) secure. You do that by locking the doors, opening them for friendly guests, slamming it on uninvited guests, and kicking out anyone you find that has come through the backdoor.
You can access the rest of the October report here.
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