WASHINGTON, D.C. – It’s long been suspected that the myriad Russia collusion, election meddling investigations have been wandering off course as a matter of necessity – there’s nothing there. Now, beyond Mueller and his fishing expedition, a key lawmaker are spilling the beans about congressional investigations venturing far outside there designated jurisdiction in an effort to find something, anything to justify their continued tilting at windmills.
That key lawmaker is none other than our very own Sen. Richard Burr (R-NC), chairman of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence.
Sen Richard Burr R-NC notes something ironic – that Senate Intel is dealing with issues not in their jurisdiction
— Jamie Dupree (@jamiedupree) March 21, 2018
Jamie Dupree covers the Swamp for a host of major metropolitan news organizations and has a reputation as an objective, unbiased reporter – you know, what a journalist is supposed to be. If Dupree is noting the irony of Burr’s statement, it is because for months these investigations have presented themselves as honest arbiters looking to get to the bottom of outlandish allegations.
If it wasn’t already, the credibility of the Senate Intelligence investigation is now in question. How are we expected to give such investigations any credence if they are admitting that they themselves are breaking the rules and laws that dictate the scope of their power and field of play.
Burr has consistently appeared to give the FBI the benefit of the doubt when it comes to questions of their professionalism and anti-Trump bias, demonstrating, not objectivity, but tunnel vision. Now he is admitting that they are perfectly willing to operate outside their jurisdiction in order to produce a boogeyman.
Much like the House Intel Committee, it’s time for Burr and the Senate Intel Committee to admit the futility of their endeavor and wrap up their investigation.
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