Saturday night’s basketball game between NC State and UNC-Chapel Hill has been postponed to Sunday at 1 P.M. after a winter storm hit the state of North Carolina overnight.
“Considering the travel conditions we are not comfortable with the idea that thousands of people, from the players, coaches and officials to fans of both teams and the hundreds of people that staff the Smith Center for the game, would be leaving the arena tonight after 10 p.m.,” UNC-CH Athletics Director Bubba Cunningham said. “Everyone attending the game on Sunday will still need to use extreme caution in getting to and from the game, but we think there is a huge difference between driving in the daylight as opposed to this evening, when conditions are expected to be treacherous.”
The Governor of North Carolina has declared a State of Emergency, and forecasts for this evening indicate the threat of continued sub-freezing temperatures that will create hazardous driving and pedestrian conditions.
“The ACC policy of playing if the teams and officials can get to the arena also takes into consideration all the appropriate people getting home safely as well, and when you weigh the risks associated with people being on the roads late tonight versus playing tomorrow afternoon, the correct decision is to postpone the game,” Cunningham continued.
ESPN will broadcast the game, as planned, at 1 P.M. Sunday afternoon.
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