WASHINGTON, D.C. – While it may only be a couple weeks into the 2020, the federal government is already more than three months into the fiscal New Year and the money is flying like confetti. Over the first three months of FY 2020 the federal government spent a record $1,163,090,000,000. That’s $1.16 trillion.
All this spending is going on while the nation is gripped by an impeachment sham the Democrats have manufactured in a desperate attempt to rid themselves of President Donald Trump. As we head into election season Americans should be focused on reining in a runaway train of spending on entitlements and largesse. Instead, we’ve been offered a steady diet of witch hunt politics that serves to distract us from the actual threat in Washington – The Swamp.
It’s a truly remarkable amount of spending, yet no one in Washington really seems to be talking about it. Few in the media, even conservative media, are drawing attention to it. All the profligacy and obscene kicks of the can that used to fuel Republican resistance to the The Swamp’s Big Government policies are now merely a footnote in a news cycle dominated by high political theater.
Perhaps when the Democrats finally defeat themselves in their impeachment push, and are found wanting by the American people in November, an emboldened and unleashed President Trump can lead a Republican congress to show their respect for the American taxpayer through real action instead of empty words. The movement that put Trump in office was arguably an eruption of frustration following an earlier Tea Party wave that failed to break the status quo on spending and growth in government. Now, despite the substantial headway Trump has made in shattering that status quo, the creatures on Capitol Hill have merely doubled down in the muck.
Read the treasury report for yourself here to see for yourself just how fast your hard-earned money is being spent.
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