WASHINGTON, D.C. – For two days Democrat impeachment managers have regurgitated fantastic Leftist media narratives, using laughable logic and demonstrably false information to convict private citizen Donald Trump of inciting an insurrection on January 6.
It’s a farce, of course. The reality being that Donald Trump’s rhetoric from that day, or the entireity of the election fraud allegations, cannot in any reasonable way be construed as encouraging the shameful violence and rioting at the U.S. Capitol. Further, the overwhelming majority of Republicans/Trump supporters find the January 6 advent despicable, suspect, and responsible for fueling a dangerous McCarthyism against Trump, Republicans, and conservatives at large that isn’t only undeserved, but wholly untenable if this nation intends to remain loyal to our founding precepts.
As such, private citizen Donald Trump’s impeachment defense team is expected to take less than a full day, even though they’re allowed two, to genuinely agree the the violence at the Capitol was abhorrent, and then succinctly obliterate the charge that Donald Trump is responsible for the actions of those individuals whatsoever.
The defense is expected to rest their case before dinner time on Friday afternoon, clearing the way for the inevitable acquittal.
Watch it all live below:
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