WASHINGTON, D.C. – Democrats used every bit of their 24 hours in the Senate impeachment trial of President Donald Trump to rehash the same empty accusations and make crazy assertions like the American people cannot be trusted to make the right decision in the election less than a year away, he must be removed. Republicans on the other hand, won’t need that much time to totally destroy the Democrats’ impeachment case and expose their orchestrated sham.
The president’s defense team got things started on Saturday, methodically disassembling the charges laid out in the articles of impeachment.
The defense team is back at it again today at 1:00 PM. In diametric opposition to the claims of Schiff & Co. Trump’s defense easily transitions into offense. In is the first time in this entire process that President Trump has truly had his day in court. A jury would have laughed the Democrats out of the chamber by now, but this jury, of course, is dominated by political considerations and an inflated sense of legacy.
Therefore, the question of just how long this will drag on still remains. It could be days, or it could be weeks or longer. Watching 30 minutes of the president’s defense, though, should convince anybody that this is a witch hunt of the highest order. The president himself was matter of fact in tweet before the second day of his defense.
Senate hearing on the Impeachment Hoax starts today at 1:00 P.M.
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) January 27, 2020
Watch the defense of President Donald Trump in the day seven of the Senate impeachment trial below.
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