An organizer of the extremely controversial “Drag Queen Story Hour,” a group that organizes events in which drag queens read stories to children, has admitted that he is actively “grooming” children to be part of the “next generation” of the LGBT community.
On a video first reported by LifeSite, Dylan Pontiff, a drag queen who organized a “story hour” for children as young as three in Louisiana in October, can be seen making the alarming admission during a September 17th meeting of the Lafayette City-Parish Council.
“This is going to be the grooming of the next generation,” Pontiff said. “We are trying to groom the next generation.”
Pontiff, who goes by the stage name “Santana Pilar Andrews,” said that he mostly performs for adults in shows he described as “R-rated.”
But, to ease any fears parents may have about exposing their three-year-old to a drag queen that admits he mostly performs in obscene shows, Pontiff was quick to claim that as an adult he knows how to “filter” himself and make his content more “PG-rated” for kids.
“I can go in and entertain adults in a club and also entertain a group of students and young children,” Pontiff said. “I’m able to do that because I’m an adult and able to filter myself.”
As would be expected, the “Drag Queen Story Hour” has stirred up major controversy, drawing strong rebukes from many, specifically those who vehemently oppose their use of tax-payer funded spaces to expose children to the cross-dressing lifestyle.
“Unfortunately, the Drag Queen Story Hour program is turning public libraries into platforms to advance the transgender revolution, places where pro-homosexual activists are given access to children as young as three,” John Ritchie, director of Traditional Family Property Student Action, told LifeSite.
“Instead of protecting the precious innocence of our children with wholesome stories, libraries are misusing our tax-dollars to harm their innocence,” Ritchie continued. “To attempt to dismantle and destroy the distinction between male and female is not only biologically ridiculous, but also a direct attack against God’s plan for us and for the family. Everyone who loves the family should wake up, pray and push back.”
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