Jason Curtis, the Principal of Raleigh’s Cardinal Gibbons High School, took to the internet on Sunday to announce that Monday would be a snow day for the school.
And it did it with the most epic YouTube announcement of all-time.
The video entitled “Principal’s Snow Day at Cardinal Gibbons” depicts the principal having the school to himself for the entire day.
He starts off wearing swim trunks along with a suit jacket and tie, enjoying a Bojangles lunch by candlelight, playing some basketball, making s’mores, sledding down a flight of stairs and plenty of other awesome antics.
It appears to be a growing tradition at Cardinal Gibbons for announcements to be made using hilarious YouTube videos. Plenty of other videos from the school have garnered thousands of views on their YouTube page.
As of 8:00 P.M., just a few hours after Curtis tweeted out his video announcement, the video has less than 350 views, but we’re sure that will change rather quickly.
Watch the video below:
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