GREENSBORO – North Carolina was at the center of the budding civil rights movement in the 1960s, in no small part because of the actions of the Greensboro Four, who started a national movement by peacefully protesting segregation by sitting at a ‘Whites Only’ Woolworth’s lunch counter, day after day, asking for a cup of coffee, and sitting.
Clarence Henderson was one of those men. The veteran and civil rights leader has quite a different perspective than the ‘Woke’ when it comes to civil rights and peaceful protests. Speaking to the RNC, Henderson dismantled the Left’s current narrative on racism, and the anti-racist movement that justifies rioting in cities across the nation:
Powerful, no? And effective. The Left does not want you to hear from men like Henderson because it undermines their attempts create the impression of a monolith of black Americans. The Woke REALLY don’t want you to hear Clarence Henderson’s story.
The actions inspired others in Greensboro, in North Carolina, and around the country; eventually leading to Woolworth’s and other businesses desegregating. What those brave men and women endured at the hands of hateful mobs is well known:
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