According to The Columbus Dispatch, a “religious” organization “blessed” a Columbus abortion clinic in a ceremony in which a woman sang a “lullaby” that she claims was sang to her by the “spirit” of her unborn child prior to her abortion.
The “Ohio Religious Coalition for Reproductive Rights” hosted the pro-abortion “Holy Ground: Blessing the Sacred Space of Decision” rally at the Your Choice Healthcare abortion clinic.
Apparently, the rally’s main purpose was to call on God to bless abortion while heaping praise upon those who chose to murder their unborn children.
“We want to show there are people of faith who support bodily rights,” Elaina Ramsey, the executive director of ORCRR, said.
On their website, the organization lists advocating for putting “faith into action for reproductive freedom” as their stated goal.
“Ohio RCRC strongly opposes restrictions to abortion access and contraception,” the website continues.
While the event itself should be enough to make good people who oppose murder sick to their stomachs, it was the song sung by one mother who aborted her unborn child that will literally make your skin crawl.
The woman claimed that two weeks prior to her abortion, she began having visions and talking to “the spirit of that child saying its okay” for the mother to murder him or her.
Of course, this “lullaby” is actually a Beatles’ song, but clearly, the mother didn’t want to let that fact get in the way of a good ole creepy story.
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