WASHINGTON, D.C. – The president’s defense team will conclude their opening arguments in the Senate impeachment trial Tuesday, beginning at 1:00 PM, as most of the media has turned toward the open question of whether or not witnesses will be heard, and how many if so. It’s live below:
That question drew even more anticipation when National Security Adviser John Bolton, wrote a book charging that Trump told him he was tying aid to investigations in Ukraine. Senators Romney and others who are more responsive to Democrats’ dramatic demands than to the factual case before them, seem to be interested in blowing the door wide open for witnesses.
Realistically, Bolton’s testimony, even if it lives up to the hype (it won’t), will only rehash the same empty charge that somehow the commander in chief shaping foreign policy is an impeachable offense. Especially with respect to using caution in giving hundreds of millions of dollars of our money to a fragile, untested regime in a corrupt system, it’s a laughable notion.
That’s exactly what Alan Dershowitz argued in the Senate yesterday: even if the Democrats’ or Bolton’s charge were true, it is in no way, shape, or form an impeachable offense. The fact that a potential political opponent maybe part of the aforementioned corruption in Ukraine is for that candidate to answer for, NOT the Donald Trump in his role as President of the United States.
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