RALEIGH – The long anticipated evidentiary hearing on the 9th Congressional District fraud investigation has arrived. You can watch the proceedings here:
One of the star witnesses, Lisa Britt, was accused of improperly handling unsigned absentee ballots in Bladen County, the heart of the fraud allegations. However, in taking the stand Britt is adamant that no such improper handling ever happened, and she has treated the cross-examination from investigators with righteous indignation.
Lisa Britt said Shipman’s affidavit is incorrect in saying she handed her unsigned absentee ballot to Britt in an unsealed envelope. Britt says Shipman’s niece gave her the ballot. @MarkHarrisNC9 @McCreadyForNC #NC09 #ncga #ncpol @CarolinaJournal
— Dan Way (@danway_carolina) February 18, 2019
Watch Britt’s live testimony above. As the days’ proceedings shake out, we’ll be sure to bring you the latest on just how strong the fraud allegations are, or are not. If the State cannot meet a burden of proof for a result-shifting level fraud, Republican Mark Harris should be certified as the winner.
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