MARA LAGO, FL – The war for the Republican for the faith and confidence of the Republican electorate, between Donald Trump’s MAGA vision and record and a re-assertive GOP establishment a little too happy to return to business as usual, is getting hot.
Trump continued with his opening salvo, excoriating the likes of Mitch McConnell and other Swamp Creatures, but this time with one simple, and potentially devastating blow:
“No more money for RINOS. They do nothing but hurt the Republican Party and our great voting base—they will never lead us to Greatness. Send your donation to Save America PAC at We will bring it all back stronger than ever before!”
For weeks and months of the GOP Establishment throwing him under the bus — or simply running over him themselves — speculation swirled that the former president might start a third party and thereby split the Republican electorate.
Trump put those rumors to rest in his comeback speech at CPAC in February, but in so doing he declared the Republican Party as the MAGA Party.
“We’re not starting new parties. You know, they kept saying, ‘He’s going to start a brand new party.’ We have the Republican Party,” he said.
So after the GOP refused to stop using his likeness for fundraising, despite kicking him when he was down, Trump is once again going right to the people and imploring them to stop feeding the swamp and Save America instead.
Not as a third party, but as the rightful leaders of the Republican Party, of the Republican electorate.
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